Natural/Sensory Abilities:
Thermographic vision to 2000'. See the invisible through thermographic vision.
They breathe 1% more oxygen, and 4% more nitrogen than humans. They can adapt to earth's natural gasses, but it could only last for 1 week at the most. If Dr Bergstrom is correct on her theory (Predator: Homeworld), this could be because this is what the atmosphere was like on Earth millions of years ago.
They can hold their breath for several minutes.
Can jump up to three times their height, and can fall ten times their height and land on their feet.
Predators can imitate the speech/sounds of other species, but do not necessarily understand the meaning of what they say. They often imitate voices of the species they are hunting in order to fool or terrify their prey. They do pick up languages quickly, however without formally studying the language as a secondary skill.
They can hear a whisper up to 50 feet away.
Impervious to heat (boiling water gets uncomfortable after 5 minutes), invulnerable to electricity and to radiation.
They are fast enough to dodge bullets, if they see them coming and can, because of their tough hides, shrug off most small-calliber bullets.
They have no use for magic, and find it disdainful. Only cowards would resort to parlor tricks.
Chances of a psionic Yautja are rare, but those that exist are unbelievably powerful, so much that they'll not hunt with normal Yautja. A telepathic Yautja, DNA-modified by the Dominators into a meta-Yautja, fought alongside other "meta-Yautja". They hunted only the metahumans of the JLA.
The Yautja are larger and taller than adult humans, standing at least seven feet (2-2.5 meters) tall but often much taller. Females, seen only by Witchblade and Darkness (AvP vs Witchblade/Darkness), are even larger (and stronger). The female Yautja are known to occasionally throw their mates during moments of passion.
An average Yautja weighs between 250-350 lb., most of this is pure muscle. The Yautja have very little body fat due to their predatory lifestyle and diet.
Children are smaller versions of the adult, and a male will typically father seventy or more "suckers" in his lifetime.
Like humans, they have two arms, two legs, and two eyes. Eye color is usually green or yellow.
They have long black claws, 4 clawed toes, thick skulls, broad shoulders, and large biceps. Their back is mostly bone.
Their mouths have four mandibles around them, much like a set of lips. Vertical slits of its mouth open wide to reveal inner teeth. These mandibles are used for communicating much like a cat uses it's tail to communicate it's mood.
They give off a musk other Yautja, and canines, can detect - but humans cannot. When canines sense them, they usually constantly whine, heads down, or else store out and make unhappy noises in their throats. Yautja's scent for aggression is an oily, bitter smell.
As far as environment, it appears that the Yautja prefer hot, humid conditions with an atmosphere rich in nitrogen.
"Not only could they press up against metal heated to 120 degrees Celsius without being burned ... they seemed to relish the heat." (From Predator: Cold War TPB)
Yautja have reptilian skin of mottled red, green and yellow patterns.
Their blood is a dark phosphor green, possibly due to different oxygen carriers in their hemoglobins. While humans use iorn to perform the actual task of binding the oxygen molecule, the Yautja may be using copper or something similar to it.
Their blood neutralizes Hard Meat's blood's caustic effects (to a degree). It is also carbon-based (Batman vs Predator), which supports Dr Bergstrom's theory that they originated from Earth (Predator: Homeworld).
Yautja have long hair that is braided into dreadlocks in an extremely painful ritual taking months to perform.
Perhaps one of the most pronounced differences is longevity. Subotai, a former Japanese samurai, has been fighting Yautja for over a thousand years. (He has lived that long because he has eaten Yautja flesh.) Subotai has had the same Yautja opponent for all those centuries.