In this game Deathmatch its a case of everyone for themselves, aliens can kill other aliens, and humans kill other humans, even predators can kill they own kind. This game is one of the most commmon to be played. In this game DeathMatch, you win basically by killing everything you come across that moves.:
1. Frag Limit - Frag limits are set, as a goal to reach, the more you kill, the more frags you get, you must kill many players, it does not matter which of the species you kill, aliens, predators, marines, you will still get frags added to your score. The first to reach the set frag limit has won.
2. Score Limit - Instead of relying on the number of frags you need to win, the score limit pressures players to attack others of more point value. One theory would be to attack the weakest players, or weekest species, and stay away from the strong players and species.
3. Time Limit - Race against time, the person at the end with highest points, when time is up is the winner.
When playing the DeathMatch, its all about you can kill who the quickest and fastest, going about things the long way, won't make you a winner. Each of the species has something, with marines, you have the Motion Tracker, to help guide you as to where the others are, you would be wise to learn how it works, and use this to your benefit. Predators on the other hand, have different visions, blue vision to track humans, red vision to track aliens, white vision to see other pred weapons and preds, however, if you are in a match between humans and aliens, changing vision could be hard. For aliens you will need speed more than anything, and of course good aim when pouncing does help.
This game is one of my favourites, which is used on a daily basis. In this game each species works as a team. Aliens work together as pack, and humans team up, and preds work together. Each of the species will try to destroy the other two in order to win this round. The rounds end inthe same way to a DeathMatch.
1. Frag Limit - In this match the frag limit works on a team basis, no just one player. Also you can change the class you are in, without your frag count being affected.
2. Score Limit - The Score Limit is based on the total score of all players using each of the species.
3. Time Limit - When the match is finished, the timer has ended, the team who scored the most frags are thew winners.
For aliens, its best to have a team that is based on strengths, Predaliens, and Praetorians, can distract the other species, whilst the faster aliens, can attack.
Marines, are more vulnerable to opponents when in a team.
Predators, make sure other players on your team are using different mission modes so you can spot other species more easily.
Each of the players, begins as a Survivor, and one of the players will start off a a mutant, and the aim of each game is to be the last Survivor. Everyone else in the game become Mutants and Survivors are turned into Mutants if they are killed by a Mutant or kill themselves. Each round ends when only one Survivor remains or the time limit has been exceeded. The rounds end in the following ways:
1. Score Limit - Whilst playing as a survivor, a player receives 1 point per second and Mutants receive 10 points for each of the survivors they kill. The person who reaches the score limit the first, is considered and declared the winner.
2. Round Limit - A number of rounds are played and the score is in the same way as above. At the end of the game, the player who has the most points through the rounds is the winner.
When you are playing in Hunt mode, there are two sides of players. There are the Hunters, and there is the Prey. Obviously, the Hunters by name shall be hunting their prey, this will continue thorughout the game, the main change that will occur is that kills that are made by the Hunters are recorded. If a Prey does kill a Hunter, they will switch sides, and the prey will become the Hunter, and the Hunter will change to being the Prey. This game has two ways it can end:
1. Frag Limit - The frag limit is the number of kills a player must get to win the game. For every kill you make a frag is given to you, try to hunt a class you know you can beat.
2. Time Limit - The player with the most points, at the time the time limit finishes is the winner.
There are two teams in this game, the ones that Attack, and the ones that Defend. The Denfenders protect their gold, whilst the Attackers, goal is the kill each of the Defenders, they must do this before the time runs out. The Attackers receive one point for every Defender they have killed, if not all the Defenders are killed when the time runs out, then the Defenders receive one point for each Defender left standing.
Round Limit - First you send a number of rounds played, the team at the end who has the most points is the winner. .
When playing this game, your species can win without actually killing anyone. Firstly there are two teams, you have the Attackers and the Evacs. Evac team must have any player reach the Evac Point then they must stay there for atleast 10 seconds. The Attackers have to try and stop the Evacs from evacuating. They must do this by either beating the timer, or killing the Evac team. The team that wins, wins 1 point. This is the only way it can be won.
Round Limit - A set number of rounds are played. At the end of the game, the team who has got the most points through the rounds is the winner.